truely cool beans
how in the hell did you make this, its so crash hot. simply bliss
truely cool beans
how in the hell did you make this, its so crash hot. simply bliss
this is a really indepth engine, gratz. must of been hard work.
Thanks a lot for the suport! yes the game engine its great! thats thanks my personal friend and game programer Fabian Peruggia! :P
Again thanks for the support!
Hernan Lopez
Epic LLama Warchief
i feel it
at first I found the controls a pain in the ass, but one I got used to them the game seemed pretty dam smooth and flowing, and to all the people that complain about hardness: seriously, learn to grapple hook :p. loved the game, glowing chick kept me going, wasn't too long or too short. nice art, great level design. you'l go far in this business :)
well made sire.
auto battle seems to lose less units :D <3 dwarves, DRAGGONNNSSS
all my worm fantasy's have been rein-acted
Good game
You people are being to hard on it, It's a flash game. And for being that its had a hell of a lot of effort put into it. It's addictive enough to look past the flaws. The bosses were well designed. Grinding through the second area was a pain but hey, whats a game without grinding. Good diablo 2 rip off in my opinion, had me stuck at my comp till i finished it. Leveling up your dragon was a great idea and it kept me playing through the harder/boring parts, you did well having that. Made me stress out dying but at least it wasn't dead easy like a lot of games these days. the challenge is the funnest part. All in all 9/10 for you sir. Most addictive flash game ive played in a long time. would be a ten bug they fighting system has too many flaws to look past.
Basic inf = win
Lvl 12 finished in 2m and 38s! Nice game, u can rush every level if u only use basic inf uprgraded 2 max tho :) still love it :) nice work 10/10 5/5
Games Dev
Joined on 7/13/06